Marketing Tools For Chambers of Commerce And Shop Local Programs Using Text Messaging, List Building, Reviews & More.


Introducing a ‘Shop Local’ program is a great value added service to provide for your small business Chamber of Commerce members and the community at large.

In an era when shoppers are far more conscious of where they’re spending their money – our shop local businesses program is well placed to support this grassroots and effective initiative.

The advantages of a ‘shop local businesses’ purchasing initiative demonstrate that:

  • More money stays in the community
  • Which means that more local jobs are created and sustained
  • As a result, the local community, trust and economy are strengthened
  • This allows for more Word of mouth referrals to be generated
  • And ultimately, customer service is greatly enhanced across all sectors

There are a number of other ways this application could be leveraged for growth and as local business work to rebound from the past couple of years. It’s been hard on us all.

In conclusion, offering this type of program for your members helps support and grow their businesses while increasing their trust in you- that you’re doing your absolute best to, not only earn, but to keep their business and relationship.

Overview: Local Shopping Statistics

Let’s take a look at these 7 core statistics. Source:

  • Small businesses generate $68 of local economic return for every $100 spent with them.
  • Over $9.3 billion would be directly returned to our economy if every US family spent just $10 a month at a local business.
  • Businesses with fewer than 500 employees account for 99.7% of all US employers.
  • 108 million shoppers spent $12.9 billion on Shop Local Day.
  • Small businesses donate 250% more than large businesses to community causes.
  • Small businesses employ 58.9 million people.
  • Local business generates 70% more local economic activity per square foot than big box retail.

Our custom software also gives the local Chamber of Commerce an opportunity to use the ‘shop local businesses’ mobile club as a revenue generating tool by charging members a nominal fee to participate in the program.

However, the returns for their businesses, as they enjoy the referrals would greatly justify that expense.

This may be the best text alert system available for your business community.

Again, with iVision Mobile’s technology- everybody wins.


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